7 Steps To Be an Excellent QA Engineer :

1) You Understand Priorities As a tester, you need to understand what should be tested and what should be given less priority, what should be automated and what should be tested manually, which task should be taken up first and what can be done at the last moment. Once you are a master of defining priorities, software testing would be really easy.

2) You Ask Questions

Asking questions is the most important part of Software Testing. If you fail at it, you are going to lose an important bunch of information Questions can be asked: To understand requirement To understand changes done To understand how requirement has been implemented To understand how the bug fixed To understand bug fix effects To understand the product from other perspectives like development, business, etc

3) You Can Report Negative Things In A Positive Way

A tester needs to learn tactics to deal with everyone around and needs to be good at communication. No one feels good when he/she is being told that whatever they did was completely or partially wrong. But it makes a whole lot of difference in reaction when you suggest doing something or rectifying something with better ideas and without an egoistic voice

4) You Are Flexible To Support Whenever It’s Required

The duty of the software tester does not end after reporting a bug. If the developer is not able to reproduce the bug, you are expected to support reproducing it because then only the developer will be able to fix it.

5) You Are Able To Co-relate Real-time Scenarios To Software Testing

When you are able to co-relate testing with real life, it’s easy. Habituate yourself to think or constantly create test cases about how to test a train, how to test a vegetable, how to test a monument, and see how it helps in the near future. It will help your mind to constantly generate ideas and relate testing with practical things.

6) You Are A Constant Learner Software testing is challenging because you need to learn new things constantly. It’s not about gaining the expertise of specific scripting language; it’s about keeping up with the latest technology, about learning automation tools, about learning to create ideas

7) always remember, your job isn't to test code. Your job is to get bug-free code shipped to production. That means anything you can do to move a branch along, including (and maybe most importantly!) communicating status ASAP is part of your job and just as important as testing.

#Testing #QA # QAengineer